Sunday 28 August 2011

Lime Fruit

One of the profound memories I have about Puerto Rico is picking fresh limes from a lime tree. It was a tree, which was around 15 ft high and in my evaluation it was around 25-30 years old.
The interesting thing was that every time I went to pick up a lime for some recipe I always forgot about the humongous thick needles the tree had. So as I got my hand out of the tree with lime fruits in it, all my hand was scratched and bleeding, which looked like a cat just scratched me.
Unfortunately in 1997 we had 3 major hurricanes in one season and they really damaged the root system of the tree, which consequently died few month later.
The lime that I ate there was not as sour as we know it in North America. It had a very different flavor of a strong mint and it was sweeter.
Lime has many health benefits. It is famous as a cure for scurvy as it is very rich with Vitamin-C. Lime juice and its oil are very beneficial for skin when consumed orally or applied externally. It also helps with digestion, and many other things as well.

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